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Harrier Conservation International

Harrier Conservation International connects a network of harrier researchers and conservationists worldwide.

We believe that birds show us the way to a better world. To knowledge we need to enable scienced-based protection, to better farming concepts and to connecting people worldwide.

We aim for balanced partnerships in the breeding areas of Montagu’s Harrier, Marsh Harrier and Pallid Harrier, for example. Beautiful birds of prey that can teach us a lot about the balance between land use, agriculture and nature conservation.

As Harrier Conservation International we believe that independent scientific research will play a decisive role in this. It is the basis in a rapidly changing world.

About HCI
About Us

About us

Meet the founding members of our organization.
Agenda - Lezingen

Agenda - Lezingen

Take a look at our upcoming events – Kom naar een lezing of boek ons voor een avond!
Media And Publications

Media and publications

Learn more about what we do and why we do it.

Connecting an international network of harrier researchers and conservationists.


Harriers show us the way to the knowledge we need for enabling science-based protection worldwide.


We aim for inspiring partnerships in breeding areas that will help us to keep or bring the habitats of Harriers in harmony with land use.


We want to show the beauty of these elegant birds of prey and why it is important to protect them.

“Birds show us the way to a better world”

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