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Harriers and people

Harriers are fascinating birds of prey. They are mainly restricted in their life-cycle on open landscapes for breeding, migration and wintering. In addition, these group of raptors are dependent on agricultural areas for a large part of the life cycle, which makes this group of elegant birds extra vulnerable.

Conservation groups

For example, due to the need to achieve sufficient reproduction, conservation groups are active all over Europe to protect nests of the four species breeding in Europe. Protectionists who deal with this urgent work soon develop an interest in the ecology of harriers because a good understanding is necessary for active protectors.

There are few other bird of prey species worldwide where a community of people are committed to preserving these elusive birds. Harrier action is therefore often a human interference. Despite all these efforts, the effects of active nest protection and improving quality of hunting habitat due to Agriculture Environmental Schemes (AES) are out of reach.


Numerous publications have been published on the effects of these measures separately . It is still waiting for a European publication in which the combined effects of nest protection and attempts to implement effective forms of AES in agricultural areas will be organized in a scientifically sound manner.

Harrier Conservation International

Harrier Conservation International will actively work to help organize these kinds of publications with all those conservation groups who believe that scienced based conservation will make the ultimate difference in nature conservation.

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