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Podcast Foodlog: Over stilte na de vogels en grutto’s fokken

Foodlog ging in gesprek met Gijs Gjaltema (JEEN) en Ben Koks (Harrier Conservation International). Beluister…

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Podcast: Toekomst voor Natuur

Podcastmaker en medewerker van De Vlinderstichting Anthonie Stip ging in gesprek met ecoloog Ben Koks…

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Harriers and people

Harriers are fascinating birds of prey. They are mainly restricted in their life-cycle on open…

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The harrier who is actually a sparrowhawk

PALLID HARRIER When you see an adult male pallid harrier chasing passerines for the first…

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Harriers show us the way

Sheep farmer in Morocco If we have learned one thing over the last three decades…

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Harriers in the Central Mediterranean

HARRIERS IN MALTA Studies carried out through intensive observations over many years have shown that…

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